Choosing project activities
Think carefully about which project activities are needed and put them in the right order. Create them yourself or use the Standard Activity Lists which will make everyone in your company use the same starting points. Of course, you can adapt to project-specific features.
The features of your previous projects are available to use again here. This way, your knowledge and experience will not be lost and you can continue to use it in your new projects and it will take less time to make a well-considered planning.

Location, location, location
The location of a project is important when renting or selling.
But in LEAN planning, the location of activities is also crucial.
KYP PLAN facilitates planning per location where the activities take place.
Per floor, per room, per phase each building section can be planned in KYP PLAN.
Whatever you call the building components, in KYP PLAN you can define each location.

What will you plan?
Select the activities for the project from your own, standard lists or other (company) projects and supplement that with the project-specific activities and features.

Where will you plan?
Build your project and name for each building or department each room where activities will take place. The structure of your project is similar to the structure of the planning.
Sounds logical right?

How much will you plan?
For each location (space, phase or building section), link the activities to the size of that space in m1, m2, m3 or pieces per hour, day or week.
You can also adjust them project-specific.
Capaciteit determines speed
By shifting activities in the planning and varying the size of the deployment of the project partners (capacity), the optimal planning can be determined.
In KYP PLAN, you can easily view some alternatives so that you understand the dynamics of your project before or during the (digital) paste-up session with your project partners.